Southbank Centre
Southbank Centre is where individuals can be artists and performers and be inspired by remarkable works and events. The space fills with tremendous creative energy through diverse exhibitions with cultural aspects and interactive learning activities. Southbank Centre expands room for people to develop their creative potential.
With a long history and commitment to the outstanding arts and culture, we are an open exploration circle where people can add their creativity in various mediums and begin the journey of connecting to the world.
Brand Identity
Our logo lockup has an open circle shape in stroke that connect people and unify as one community within one circle. The open part of the circle echoes the creative energy coming from diverse people. The wordmark is sitting open space of the circle with a tight leading to portray a close relationship in the Southbank Centre community.
The standard version of the logo is always the preferred version for all media and brand materials. The wordmark version of the logo should be used in printing materials and the website and it can combine with graphic elements.
Logo Design